The Christmas season brings out tradition, memories, values and perhaps acts of kindness, writes Peter Watson.
There is fifty-two weeks a year. But Christmas is so special.
Daily routines change. Many exchange gifts, and family and friends socialize, celebrate, and re-connect.
It is a special time. For some it is emotional as we think of past years with fond memories of those that are no longer with us now.
This year is different because of the pandemic, however, for many the spirit of Christmas lives on.
People often think of their values and traditions and what makes us tick as human beings.
This column explores different ways of managing your personal finances. Managing your money does not have to be done in isolation of your family values.
Are there charities that you can support during the year through volunteering your time, effort, and skills? Cash donations are also needed to support worthy causes in our communities.
Is there a particular cause that is near and dear to your heart that you would like to recognize in your will? After you are gone a donation could be made to your favourite charity.
That donation could be directed to a school, college, or university that helped launch your career enabling you to enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Help that institution launch the careers of others.
Perhaps family members can coordinate efforts to build an educational fund that will assist the next generation of family members get a strong educational foundation before entering the adult world of work.
Educational gifts can be made via a lump sum one-time payment or be set-up to contribute monthly. One thing that has changed for the youth of today is the staggering cost of post-secondary education.
Let the Christmas spirit act as a springboard to propel you into a kinder, gentler way of thinking.
Looking back, what are the three most impactful acts of generosity that have benefited you personally, emotionally, and financially?
Let your imagination and generosity guide your thoughts.
Peter Watson is registered with Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (ACPI) to provide investment advice. Investment products are provided by ACPI. ACPI is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of ACPI. Peter Watson provides wealth management services through Watson Investments.