Our philosophy encompasses a global investment approach, mitigating risk, enhancing diversification, and a conservative methodical approach. This allows for wealth growth and preservation. Each clients portfolio is unique to the client and begins with strategic asset allocation and the right combination of equity, fixed income and for some, alternative investments. Then we asset locate, which means that each client’s accounts will look different, allowing us to invest within the best account type and mitigate taxes. Portfolios are all customized for what’s best for the client.
Diversification distributes investment risk across various assets or regions, allowing for potential loss offsetting if one investment underperforms while others excel. Investing across different markets and asset classes enables investors to potentially harness returns from diverse economic growth sources and market cycles. Over time, diversification can stabilize investment returns, diminishing portfolio volatility in contrast to concentrating investments in a single asset class or market.
Manage risk by distributing investments across various assets, minimizing the impact of any one investment's performance on the entire portfolio.
Financial markets have historically rewarded long-term investors with positive returns on capital, as both equity and bond markets have consistently outpaced inflation.
Building your unique portfolio begins with strategic asset allocation and the right combination of equity, fixed income and for some, alternative investments.
Expand beyond our domestic market to gain exposure to diverse economies and industries, and effectively manage overall risk.
Ensure you're in the optimal asset allocation, develop a financial plan aligned with your needs and risk appetite and diversify globally to achieve stability during volatile periods.
Rebalancing your portfolio regularly ensures that it maintains the desired risk level and allocation of assets, optimizing its performance over time.
By maintaining a globally diversified portfolio, investors are well-prepared to capture returns regardless of which market segments outperform in any given year.
Financial planning enables you to set goals, review cash flow projections, mitigate risks, and ensure that our solutions align with your long-term financial success.
assets under management
years of combined experience
Year founded
Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (“ACPI”) is a full-service investment dealer and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) and Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”). Securities advice and services are provided through ACPI (or) Watson Securities, an approved trade name of ACPI. Only securities-related products and services are offered through ACPI/ Watson Securities and are covered by the CIPF. Financial planning and insurance services are provided through Watson Investments. Watson Investments is an independent company separate and distinct from ACPI/ Watson Securities.