Avoid Investing in Stocks Based on Short Term Success

Beware of the “shiny object” syndrome, writes Peter Watson. One of the most difficult challenges of investors is to ignore the “noise” that often surrounds investing. Much of that noise is based on short-term results. Investing is done for long periods of time. Short term approaches to investing in my opinion are just speculation. Guessing […]

Mortgage Payments Are Becoming Challenging

The most significant challenge for some over the next few years is making their mortgage payments, writes Peter Watson. Many have already experienced the effect of higher interest rates. The lucky ones have locked in a specific mortgage rate that has not come due, but that day is coming. There are several realities to homeownership. […]

Why paying off your mortgage is a smart move

It’s time to pay off your mortgage, writes Peter Watson. For many years historic low interest rates encouraged people to borrow. Those days have passed. Depending on your mortgage details, your interest rate has already increased or likely will soon. Paying off your mortgage is a good idea, especially before you retire. During retirement your […]

Time is running out to improve Canada’s debt issues

Focusing entirely on the dangers of mounting household debt is a disservice to our country, writes Peter Watson. Over a few short years, housing mortgage rates have doubled, or more. This has caused a significant hardship for many homeowners. Many people might not be able to keep up with mortgage payments and are at risk […]

Is the Cost of Post-Secondary Education Worth it?

Postsecondary education is expensive, and families must make the decision whether it’s worth it, writes Peter Watson. The financial decision to spend money on a child’s postsecondary education can have major implications for a family’s finances. For many families, the dream their children will go to university is strong. And there are many advantages. Your […]

The environment is our greatest financial challenge

The greatest financial challenge we have left our children is the environment, writes Peter Watson. The challenge will be met, they typically are, but at what cost? Things will get worse before we are motivated to find solutions. There are two stories that have flooded the news in recent months. One is watching our neighbour […]

Who will make financial decisions for you?

Financial decisions can be difficult to make. Imagine how difficult they are if you lack mental capacity, writes Peter Watson. One aspect of estate planning is having a power of attorney for property. That allows you to select someone you trust to make those important decisions is you lack mental capacity. Financial decisions can include […]

Investment Advisor Awards May Mislead Clients

When you attempt to evaluate the quality of an investment advisor, are you influenced by special awards they have achieved? If so, be careful, writes Peter Watson. Some of these awards are not based on investment or financial planning proficiency. They are based on sales production or how much money an advisor manages. The Ontario […]

Financial procrastination affects how we manage our personal finances

Today, let’s talk about financial procrastination, writes Peter Watson. It is not a matter of scolding yourself when human characteristics interfere with the way you operate. Accept the fact that people do things a certain way. If you choose, try and develop personal strategies that can lead to better results. As you read this article, […]