Speech From The Throne: Our Path Forward

The Speech from the Throne outlined the federal government’s plan to deal with COVID-19 and the financial support it intends to offer Canadians,  writes Peter Watson. Last week, the Liberals gave Canadians the equivalent of a Business Plan. The Speech from the Throne provided a strategic direction for the government. The main objective is COVID-19 […]

Office work in the future has changed forever

Covid-19 has changed the lives of millions of Canadians who work in an office, writes Peter Watson.  After suddenly being sent home to work remotely, people are now realizing they are far more efficient at their job. They are spending far less money commuting and they are more available for home duties, particularly with young […]

COVID Alert app will Help Fight the Pandemic

Ontario is the first province to use the COVID Alert app, writes Peter Watson. One way to return to a more normal pre-COVID-19 existence is to have Contact Tracing. The smartphone app to facilitate this was launched in Ontario on July 31 and is free on both the Google Play and App stores. To put this in proper context, let’s […]