Lower investment risk by diversifying
People have interesting perspectives when it comes to lowering investment risk through diversification. Diversification is one way of saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Canadians are often conservative, so risk management comes naturally. We lower the risk of financial loss by buying insurance policies on everything from our automobiles and houses to […]
The Importance of Asset Allocation
One of the most important things about investing is deciding on asset allocation. Asset allocation is the decision of how to diversify your investment portfolio. The main options are stocks and bonds. The importance of asset allocation started back in 1986 with a scholarly article titled Determinants of the Portfolio Performance, published in the Financial […]
It is human nature to want to speculate
A question that comes up from time to time is whether it’s a good idea to purchase a specific investment versus a balanced and diversified portfolio consisting of many different investments. For a few months Bitcoin was getting a lot of press. Some wondered if they should invest in it because its value was skyrocketing. […]