Mortgage Payments Are Becoming Challenging

The most significant challenge for some over the next few years is making their mortgage payments, writes Peter Watson. Many have already experienced the effect of higher interest rates. The lucky ones have locked in a specific mortgage rate that has not come due, but that day is coming. There are several realities to homeownership. […]
Financial Stress of the Sandwich Generation
Providing financial support to children as well as aging parents is expensive, leaving many sandwich generation Canadians feeling the pressure. In the spring of 2019 Leger conducted The Sandwich Generation Survey that helps us understand this financial challenge. One in four Canadians in the sandwich generation expect to put their own financial goals on hold […]
Stop Investing and start planning
Is it time for you to stop just investing? Investing can easily become a way of life. Every year certain investments get made on what seems like an automatic basis. Don’t forget to contribute to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan. And then there is your Tax Free Savings Account. If there is extra cash you can […]