Investing for the Long Term Can Bring Success
Two important ingredients to successful investing are patience and taking a long-term perspective, writes Peter Watson. One of the most important attributes to successful investing can be found in what you don’t do. Unfortunately, this flies in the face of how humans are programmed. We are taught from a young age to be proactive. When […]
Investing – A Time to be Brave
Investing in the current climate can be challenging, writes Peter Watson. The stock market has been volatile with many significant declines and bonds, that are meant to be a safe haven, have done poorly too. Then there is that sacred asset that Canadians are so proud of: Homeownership. Rising home values over a prolonged period […]
Retirement in Canada is Becoming More Risky
Canadians financial risk during retirement is a reason to plan carefully, writes Peter Watson. Canadians underestimate the impact of longevity, inflation and healthcare costs have on retirement savings, and that’s making our country a less secure place to retire. This is according to the Natixis annual ranking as reported by Investment Executive. Greater focus needs […]
Personal Finances are Challenged with Continued Increase in Inflation
The world of personal finance for many Canadians is spinning quickly these days, writes Peter Watson. Recently, the Bank of Canada made a significant increase in interest rates. The reason for the increase was its attempt to control inflation. After digesting higher interest rates, the attention shifted to the effect this will have on the […]
Lessons Learned from Golf That Apply to Investing
Golf and investing can show that sometimes you just get lucky, writes Peter Watson. Golf has a lot to do with luck. Luck happens in golf, and it also happens with investing. Several years ago, I played in a business golf event. We had a long time to hit as many practice balls. I attempted […]
Seniors Face Many Financial Challenges
Financial challenges facing seniors include inflation, increasing medical costs and longevity, writes Peter Watson. Interest rates have been extremely low for years and that has hurt investment returns from Income bearing investments like Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Many seniors rely on this type of investment. The result of this extended period of low investment returns means […]
The pandemic will continue to change how we work
It’s time to focus on your career, given the changes to employment as a result of the pandemic, writes Peter Watson. Work has changed as result of the pandemic. Change has occurred in sectors that seem logical, but changes are also happening in areas that were not directly affected. Restaurant employment has seen a mass […]
War and the Effect on Stock Markets
When Russia invaded Ukraine there was disbelief, sorrow, and anger. From a financial perspective, how will this affect my investment portfolio? We can learn a lot about the stock market from past observations. That does not allow us to predict the future, but it can provide a perspective. Here is what is known. One. Over […]
Normal economic cycles can hurt the individual
Economic activity in Canada ebbs and flows, writes Peter Watson. We have prosperity, then things slow down and we can have a recession. Then a recovery. The goal of the Bank of Canada is to manage our economy, provide slow and steady growth and hopefully allow us all to prosper. That’s good for the country, […]
Are you afraid of losing all your investments
Fear of losing money is a real challenge for investors, writes Peter Watson. There is a strong element of fear when it comes to investing. If your entire portfolio is invested in one or two stocks, then the risk of losing most or all of your money should be a significant concern. Many investors today […]