Flexibility Should be Built into Your Retirement Planning
Retirement is not always the way you imagine. Ipsos conducted a poll on behalf of RBC. The 1,800 Canadians surveyed were 55 years and older and had retirement assets of at least $100,000. Over half of people surveyed anticipated knowing their retirement date one year in advance. The reality was just under 40 per cent […]
Lower investment risk by diversifying
People have interesting perspectives when it comes to lowering investment risk through diversification. Diversification is one way of saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Canadians are often conservative, so risk management comes naturally. We lower the risk of financial loss by buying insurance policies on everything from our automobiles and houses to […]
Stop Investing and start planning
Is it time for you to stop just investing? Investing can easily become a way of life. Every year certain investments get made on what seems like an automatic basis. Don’t forget to contribute to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan. And then there is your Tax Free Savings Account. If there is extra cash you can […]
Let’s start talking investments
Investing can be extremely complicated, or really quite simple. I’ll start with the complexities. The world stock markets make up a gigantic trading machine. During 2016, an average of 82 million trades occurred every day, with a daily trading volume of $346 billion (US). Navigating such a high volume of trading, trying to outsmart the […]
Financial diversification is good
The need for strong diversification within your investment portfolio has never been stronger. The world is changing very quickly. Escalating innovation and new technologies will have a disruptive effect on many businesses. Taking that into account, an investment you currently have in your portfolio may be a company that will soon become obsolete. Not convinced? […]