Technology Will Disrupt How We Live

Technological advancements will disrupt our lives, writes Peter Watson.

Humans and technology are going to have to learn to coexist.

The rate of advancements with technology including artificial intelligence and robots is staggering. This will continue to change how we live our lives.

Humans, on the other hand, have evolved extremely slowly since the beginning of time. Our brains are not programmed for sudden change, and this is going to be a problem.

We acknowledge that people will adapt to change as we have always done but the process of making those changes can be an obstacle. This includes things that change for both the positive and negative.

Our new world that is just around the corner involves artificial intelligence and robots displacing work that has been done by humans. Many individual occupations and industries will become obsolete.

Other occupations will be enhanced by the use of these new modern tools. One way or another most of us will undergo change.

The common denominator for people will be to learn how to live with change whether it be positive or negative. That is going to be a challenge.

Soon much of what we have taken for granted will be different. How individuals and society adapt to those changes will determine our next stage of evolution.

These changes will have an influence on our personal finances. If employment opportunities evaporate there will have to be some sort of universal basic income provided.

We will have to learn how to occupy our time. Filling our day has not been a problem for those with a busy career, time spent commuting plus child and household duties. Suddenly we will need new tasks or hobbies to occupy our time.

At this point we can only imagine how life will change. The only thing we know for certain is the process of change will be difficult.

Peter Watson, of Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through