What’s your New Year’s resolution

Today we suggest is the time to think about your New Year’s Resolution.

The question to resolve during the next 12 months is what will you start when work stops?

Picture yourself in retirement. You could be there now or hope to be there at some point in the future.

The easy focus on retirement planning is to attempt to pay off all debt and organize your financial affairs so enough money is coming in monthly in order to support your lifestyle.

Your New Year’s resolution is not just how you pay the bills but what will you do. A career combined with raising the family can keep you busy.

Retirement when there is no workplace to visit is a large part of your life that will need to be filled.

Add in the fact that seniors tend to be more active and energetic than decades ago, plus life expectancy for many can be an extremely long period of time.

What does your future look like? Who do you want to be?

A good starting point is to consider what you like to do. You could volunteer your time and effort and there are endless opportunities in your community where that could happen.

Should you write a book, go on a prolonged journey, spend a winter sailing or learning how to sail in some desirable warm climate. Learn another language. The options are endless. You likely will do several different things.

For some the optimal dream retirement could require some advance planning. Let’s expand on the sailing idea.

If you’re not a sailor, you could spend some pre-retirement years learning how to sail. That way you hit the ground running when retirement finally starts.

Retirement is a wonderful opportunity to do something different. Learn new skills. Have new adventures.

We encourage you to dream a little.

Peter Watson, of Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.watsoninvestments.com