The world has changed with the pandemic, technology, and cost of housing. Many are rethinking their life, rethinking employment.
Is it time for you to resign from your job?
That is a question that many are asking. There are several issues to consider.
One. The pandemic has been disruptive. Times like this are a perfect environment to rethink your priorities.
Before COVID-19, were you just on the treadmill of a steady life with steady employment?
Perhaps your job had become too invasive in your life and you have little time, energy, or interest to pursue your dreams.
Two. Technology can affect your employment from two different perspectives.
In theory technology is there to help you be efficient. For many it has allowed their job to expand to 24/7. You have become more your job than yourself.
Also, the rate of technological change is mind-boggling. Are you less comfortable in this type of environment? Has the employment world shifted to a more youthful tech savvy generation?
Three. House values have soared. Suddenly your house has turned into a gold mine. You are sitting on a lot of cash.
One option is to sell your house, move to a far less expensive community and from a financial perspective, be further ahead than if you remained in your current urban life.
Four. The initial pressure of working from home while providing childcare and educational support for at home learning was daunting. Now you realize that work had crowded your family life.
It’s time to reset your personal priorities. Less on work, more on family.
Five. Many workplaces have lost their camaraderie. Staring at colleagues during Zoom meetings is far less engaging than past social benefits of a workplace.
The joys of work have diminished.
Six. Have you come to the conclusion that your long commute is a waste of time?
You have many career options. You just have one life.
Peter Watson, of Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through