Time to Extend Free Education Past Highschool

It’s time to rethink post-secondary education in Ontario.

This has been accelerated by the pandemic but before that there was a definite need for an upgrade.

Premier Ford’s government acknowledged that our Long-Term Care facilities are not able to hire the sufficient number of qualified staff to care for our elderly. His solution is free education for those wanting to train for that occupation.

That raises the question of other skills that are needed in our society.

There is a demand for workers with advanced training in science and technology. Many other skill sets are required as well.

Education is our foundation.

Recently Laurentian University in Sudbury acknowledged its financial difficulties. Government funding will be required.

Then the 20 publicly funded post-secondary institutions in our province requested additional support of $500 million.

Our province needs to reprioritize educational funding.

In my opinion, Ontario should provide free post-secondary education for the four years following high school. That would be extended to six years depending on our needs and opportunities.

We pay the cost of high school. That is not even close to meeting current day needs.

Will the cost of extending the length of free education be staggering? Yes.

Will the cost of not extending the length of free education be staggering? Absolutely yes.

Enhanced education makes economic sense.

Ontario will be able to offer the goods and services to those that live in our province. Plus, we will be able to compete internationally.

Business revenue will increase and so will government taxes. A well-qualified workforce will have higher earning power and they too will pay more taxes.

Prioritize education. Make Ontario “A Place to Grow”.

Peter Watson, of Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.watsoninvestments.com